#CBA23: Brons, zilver, goud en Grand Prix!

Awards / News

Het moment waar de creatieve sector jaarlijks halsreikend naar uitkijkt is weer aangebroken: de uitreiking van de Creative Belgium Awards op vrijdagavond 2 juni. De Grand Prix zijn weggelegd voor Mortierbrigade, Mosaert (het creatieve label van Stromae) en TBWA:

  • Mortierbrigade - HUMO - HUMO - making sense through nonsense (Long Term Creative Brand Platform)

  • Mosaert - Stromae - L'Enfer release (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)

  • TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Outdoor Billboards & Street Posters - Campaign)

Het volledige overzicht van alle winnaars vindt u via deze link, maar voor uw gemak lijsten we ze hieronder nog eens op. 




Mutant - Club Brugge - Boeren voor Boeren (Integrated Campaign)


Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Digital Experience - Single)

Lucy - Stad Antwerpen - Counter-Strike: Antwerp Harbour (Digital Experience - Single)

LDV United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Retail Experience - Campaign)

Wunderman Thompson Benelux - Child Focus - OK Groomer (Digital Experience - Single)


Air - Equal.brussels - Saved by the Doorbell (Integrated Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - Carlsberg - Drunk Shirts (Guerilla & Stunts - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Vlaamse Ombudsdienst - Syllabuse (Integrated Campaign)


Happiness Brussels - SPA - Placeb'eau (Integrated Campaign)

Air - Equal.brussels - Saved by the Doorbell (Guerilla & Stunts - Single)



FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility - Campaign)

Mutant - Club Brugge - Boeren voor boeren (Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility - Campaign)


Mortierbrigade - STIB/MIVB - RESPECT (Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility - Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility - Single)



LDV United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Cultural Insight - Campaign)


Air - Equal.brussels - Saved by the Doorbell (Cultural Insight - Single)

FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Social Behavior - Campaign)

Lucy - VLESP - The Talk (Social Behavior - Single)

Mutant - Club Brugge - De boer kent z'n veld (Social Behavior - Campaign)


Happiness Brussels - Stad Balen - SoberCoins (Social Behaviour - Single)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Waze Invaders (Social Behaviour - Single)

Mortierbrigade - De Morgen - The Dream Final (Cultural Insight - Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - STIB/MIVB - RESPECT (Social Behaviour - Campaign)

Wunderman Thompson - Child Focus - OK Groomer (Social Behaviour - Single)


Accenture Song Belux - Albert Heijn - RamAHdan (Cultural Insight - Single)

Choo Choo - Bisdom Antwerpen - Onze Bro (Cultural Insight - Single)

FamousGrey - Mediafin - Yaka! (Cultural Insight - Campaing)

Hotel Hungaria - Onze Natuur - Onze Natuur (Social Behavior - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Cultural Insight - Single)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Cultural Insight - Campaign)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Ukrainian Witness - WikiTruth (Social Behavior - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - MSD - Day 3 (Social Behavior - Single)



Lobster - Listen Festival - Listen Festival 2022 (Use of Design Craft - Campaign)

Vrints-Kolsteren - Doel Festival - Doel Festival (Branding - Campaign)

WeWantMore - Belgian Owl - Belgian Owl (Use of Design Craft - Single)

WeWantMore - Spadel - SPA rebrand (Branding - Single)


Mortierbrigade - De Morgen - The Dream Final (Use of Design Craft - Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - Vluchtelingenwerk - The kid that counts (Spatial Design & Environmental Graphics - Single)

Satisfaction - Tomboy, Jupiler - TOMBOY x Jupiler (Branding - Campaign)

WeWantMore - Loop Earplugs - Loop Earplugs rebrand (Branding - Campaign)

Wunderman Thompson Benelux - Child Focus - Keep Hope Alive (Digital Design & Mobile Graphic Design - Single)


5AM - Oever Gallery - Oever Gallery (Spatial Design & Environmental graphics - Single)

Lobster - Echo Records - Visual identity for Echo (Branding - Single)

Lobster - Listen Festival - Listen Festival (Graphic Design: Integrated - Campaign)

Mutant - Caroline Bosmans - Rebranding Caroline Bosmans (Use of Design Craft - Single)

Mutant - Knack - AbortUS (Graphic Design: Publications - Single)

Mutant - Knack/Le Vif - Denk In Kleur (Digital Design & Mobile Graphic Design - Campaign)

Vrints-Kolsteren - Creative Belgium Awards 2022 - Creative Belgium Awards 2022 (Branding - Campaign)

Vrints-Kolsteren - Kringwinkel - Kringwinkel (Branding - Single)

WeWantMore - Belgian Owl - Belgian Owl (Branding - Single)

WeWantMore - Belgian Owl - Belgian Owl (Product & Packaging Design - Single)

WeWantMore - Brussels Philharmonic - Brussels Philharmonic rebrand (Branding - Single)



FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Creative Data: Data Storytelling - Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Waze Invaders (Creative Use of Technology - Single)


FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Creative Data: Data Visualisation - Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Interactive Applications: Mobile Applications - Single)

Lucy - Stad Antwerpen - Counter-Strike: Antwerp Harbour (Interactive Applications: Branded Games - Single)

Mortierbrigade - De Morgen - The Dream Final (Creative Use of Technology - Campaign)


AKA De Mensen - Royal Belgian Football Association & Royal Palace - The King's Tactics (Use of Talent & Influencers - Single)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Digital Craft: Function - Single)

LDV United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Use of Talent & Influencers - Campaign)

Lucy - Stad Antwerpen - Counter-Strike: Antwerp Harbour (Interactive Applications: Branded Games - Single)

Mortierbrigade - STIB/MIVB - RESPECT (Viral Advertising - Campaign)

Mutant - Knack/Le Vif - Denk in Kleur (Creative Data: Data Visualisation - Campaign)

Wunderman Thompson Benelux - Child Focus - OK Groomer (Interactive Applications: Branded Games - Single)


FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Creative Use of Technology - Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Waze Invaders (Creative Data: Use of Real-Time Data - Single)

Mutant - Knack/Le Vif - Denk in Kleur (Digital Craft: Data - Campaign)

Ogilvy.Social Lab - Vans - Vans Customs Sessions (Interactive Applications - Social Networking - Campaign)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Digital Craft: Content - Campaign)

Wunderman Thompson Benelux - Child Focus - OK Groomer (Interactive Applications: Mobile Applications - Single)



LDV United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Physical Items - Campaign)


Happiness Brussels - Stad Balen - SoberCoins (Physical Items - Single)


Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Digital & Online - Single)

LDV United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Integrated Campaigns)

Mutant - Club Brugge - Boeren voor Boeren (Integrated Campaigns)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Ukrainian Witness - WikiTruth (Digital & Online - Single)


FamousGrey - Proximus - Call Mom (Digital & Online - Single)

Happiness Brussels - OVK/PEVR Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Integrated Campaigns)

Happiness Brussels - SPA - Placeb’eau (Physical Items - Single)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Integrated Campaigns)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Digital & Online - Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - Telenet Play Sports - The discussion starts here (Out of Home - Single)



Hamlet, Wanda - Stromae - Fils De Joie (Film Craft: Product Design - Single)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Internet Film - Single) 

Caviar - Alzheimer Forschung - The Glitch (Film Craft: Editing - Single)


Lucy - VLESP - The Talk (Internet Film - Single)

Lucy - VLESP - The Talk (Film Craft: Cinematography - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Film & Cinema - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Film Craft: Film Direction - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Film Craft: Casting & Performance - Single)

Hotel Hungaria - Onze Natuur - Onze Natuur (Film Craft: Cinematography - Single)

Hamlet - Puma - Fearless (Film Craft: Film Direction - Single)

Hamlet - Puma - Fearless (Film Craft: Sound Design - Single)

BBDO Belgium - VDAB - Blind Gesprongen (Branded TV Content & TV Creativity - Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Film Craft: Use of Music - Single)


Lucy - VLESP - The Talk (Film Craft: Scriptwriting Film - Single)

BBDO Belgium - Lidl Belgium - Valentine's Day Doggy Style (Film Craft: Casting & Performance - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Film Craft: Use of Music - Single)

Hamlet - Puma - Fearless (Film Craft: Editing - Single)

Hamlet - Puma - Fearless (Film Craft: Cinematography - Single)

Mutant - Studio Brussel - De Jaren Nul (Film Craft: Animation - Single)

AKA De Mensen - Royal Belgian Football Association & Royal Palace - The King's Tactics (Internet Film - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - Brussels Airlines - The Safety Music Video (Other Screens - Single)

Happiness Brussels - VOO - Insupportable (Film & Cinema - Campaign)

Hamlet, Wanda - Stromae - Fils de Joie (Film Craft: Visual Effects - Single)


Mutant - Knack - Knack MaaiMeiNiet (Film Craft: Sound Design - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Equal Pay Day - The Umbilical Cord (Film Craft: Cinematography - Single)

Mortierbrigade - UnEqual Pay Day - Apply your skills to the household (Internet Film - Single)

Hotel Hungaria - Onze Natuur - Onze Natuur (Film Craft: Use of Music - Single)

Once - Yuval Noah Harari - Once Upon A.I. (Other Screens - Single)

Mutant - Club Brugge - Patience (Film Craft: Scriptwriting Film - Single)

Mutant - Studio Brussel - De Jaren Nul (Film Craft: Sound Design - Single)

Air - AWSR - ça n'arrive pas qu'aux autres (Film Craft: Scriptwriting Film - Campaign)

Satisfaction - Tomboy, Jupiler - TOMBOY x JUPILER (Internet Film - Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Film Craft: Scriptwriting Film - Single)

Caviar - Alzheimer Forschung - The Glitch (Film Craft: Film Direction - Single)



FamousGrey - Helan - See My Pain (Innovative - Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - Stad Balen - SoberCoins (Innovative - Single)



Happiness Brussels - OVK / PEVR - Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Integrated Campaign)


Hotel Hungaria - Onze Natuur - Onze Natuur (Integrated Campaign)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Integrated Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - Telenet Play Sports - The discussion starts here (Integrated Campaign)

FamousGrey - Mediafin - YAKA! (Integrated Campaign)


Mutant - Accent - Unsuck Work (Integrated Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Integrated Campaign)


Grand Prix

Mortierbrigade - HUMO - HUMO - making sense through nonsense (Long Term Creative Brand Platform)


Happiness Brussels - Quick - Jouw Quick. Jouw Smaak (Long Term Creative Brand Platform)


Mutant - Knack/Le Vif - Durf Twijfelen (Long Term Creative Brand Platform)


Murant - Club Brugge - De Boer Kent Z'n Veld (Long Term Creative Brand Platform)


Grand Prix

Mosaert - Stromae - L'Enfer release (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)


Publicis Groupe Benelux - Ukrainian Witness - WikiTruth (Top Topical - Single)

Happiness Brussels - Stad Balen - SoberCoins (G. Ambient Media: Small Scale - Single)

Air - Equal.brussels - Saved by the Doorbell (Ambient Media: Small Scale - Single)


De Vloer - Stad Gent - Lang Leve Luc (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)

Accenture Song Belux - De Lijn - No service (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)

Happiness Brussels - SPA - Placeb'eau (Ambient Media: Small Scale - Single)

Happiness Brussels - Carlsberg - Drunk Shirts (Sponsorship - Single)


Publicis Groupe Benelux - Ukrainian Witness - WikiTruth (Online - Single)

Lucy - Stad Antwerpen - Counter-Strike: Antwerp Harbour (Other Digital Media - Single)

Lucy - Stad Antwerpen - Counter-Strike: Antwerp Harbour (Online - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - Microlino Belgium - The smallest supercar (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)

Happiness Brussels - OVK / PEVR - Parents of Road Victims - Veilig Over (Mobile - Single)

Happiness Brussels - Carlsberg - (not so) new bottles (Online - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Vluchtelingenwerk - The kid that counts (Special Events, Stunts & Live Advertising - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Vlaamse ombudsdienst - Syllabuse (Branded Content - Campaign)


Grand Prix 

TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Outdoor Billboards & Street Posters - Campaign)


Air - Equal.brussels - Saved by the Doorbell (Ambient: Small Scale Special Solutions - Single)


TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Outdoor Craft: Art Direction - Campaign)


Publicis Groupe Belgium - Renault Belgium - The 29 Minute Restaurant (Outdoor Craft: Art Direction - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - Telenet - This promo is not for you, Rudy (Outdoor Craft: Copywriting Outdoor - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - Telenet Play Sports - The discussion starts here (Outdoor Billboards & Street Posters - Single)

Happiness Brussels - SPA - Placeb'eau (Bars, Restaurants, Stores - Single)

Happiness Brussels - Marktplaats - Earth Day (Digital Posters - Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Outdoor Craft: Photography - Campaign)


Publicis Groupe Belgium - Renault Belgium - The 29 Minute Restaurant (Ambient: Special Builds - Single)

Mortierbrigade - UnEqual Pay Day - Apply your skills to the household (Indoor Posters - Campaign)

Mortierbrigade - Vluchtelingenwerk - The kid that counts (Ambient: Special Builds - Single) 

Mutant - Accent - Unsuck Work (Outdoor Craft: Art Direction - Campaign)



LDV - United - Jumbo Supermarkets - Bricks from a legend (Consumer Communication - Campaign)

Mosaert - Stromae - L'Enfer release (Events, Live Shows, Festivals - Single)


Wunderman Thompson Benelux - Child Focus - OK Groomer (Consumer Communication - Single)

Mortierbrigade - MIVB/STIB - RESPECT (Consumer Communication - Campaign)


Mutant - Club Brugge - Boeren voor boeren (Consumer Communication - Campaign)

Happiness Brussels - Stad Balen - SoberCoins (Events, Live Shows, Festivals - Single)

Mortierbrigade - Vluchtelingenwerk - The kid that counts (Events, Live Shows, Festivals - Single)


CHOO CHOO - Bisdom Antwerpen - Onze Bro (Corporate Communication - Single)

AKA De Mensen - Royal Belgian Football Association & Royal Palace - The King's Tactics (Consumer Communication - Single)

Happiness Brussels - Carlsberg - Drunk Shirts (Events, Live Shows, Festivals - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - McDonald's - Beautiful Bins (Corporate Communication - Single)



Publicis Groupe Benelux / Brussels - Responsible Young Drivers vzw/Reborn to Be Alive vzw - The Choice (Press - Single)

Mutant - Knack - AbortUS (Press - Single)

De Morgen - The Dream Final (Branded Press Content - Campaign)


Accenture Song Belux - Vereniging Afasie vzw - Poetry or Aphasia (Press Craft: Copywriting Press - Single)

Mutant - Knack - AbortUS (Press Craft: Illustration - Single)



Accenture Song Belux - Vereniging Afasie vzw - Vocal Assistance (Radio & Audio - Campaign)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Branded Audio Content - Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - Brussels Airlines - The Safety Music Video (Radio & Audio Craft: Use of Music - Single)


Lucy - VRT - Ketnetzone (Radio & Audio - Single)

Publicis Groupe Benelux - Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei - The Unforgettable 2 Minutes (Radio & Audio - Campaign)

FamousGrey - Proximus - Call Mom (A. Radio & Audio - Single)

FamousGrey - Mediafin - YAKA! (Radio & Audio Craft: Copywriting Radio & Audio - Campaign)

FamousGrey - Mediafin - YAKA! (Radio & Audio Craft: Use of Music - Campaign)

TBWA\Belgium - Pool is Cool (via Growfunding) - Je veux nager (Radio & Audio Craft: Use of Music - Single)

Het Geluidshuis - Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht (RSCA) - Fromage (Radio & Audio Craft: Casting & Performance - Single)


TBWA\Belgium - Pool is Cool (via Growfunding) - Je veux nager (Branded Audio Content - Single)

TBWA\Belgium - Brussels Airlines - The Safety Music Video (Radio & Audio Craft: Casting & Performance - Single)

Mutant - Bristol - In My Shoes (Branded Audio Content - Campaign)