EMMA koppelt media aan technologie


Agenda / News



Het Future Media Lab van de European Magazine Media Association (EMMA) vindt plaats op dinsdag 26 januari in The Square in Brussel. Als thema koos EMMA voor ‘Technology and Media: Shaping the Future of Audience Engagement’. Meer informatie over het programma, de thema's en de sprekers vindt u hier.

Future Media Lab

Komen alvast aan bod - en dat publiceren we in het Engels, de lingua franca tijdens dit Future Media Lab:

  • technology developments and how they innovate and sometimes even disrupt existing markets for media content and advertising
  • the ability of media companies to embrace big data and data analytics to stay ahead of innovation and disruption
  • changing consumer behaviour when it comes to accessing and consuming media content
  • policy framework allowing to serve Europe’s citizens with independent, diverse and high-quality journalistic content
  • regulatory environment appropriate for sustainable business models for media companies in Europe